Wednesday, July 18, 2007

In the beginning...

In 1997 I was a junior in High School and there was a hole in my schedule. My guidance counselor suggested that I take a sociology course. I wish I could say that I jumped at the opportunity knew from that moment what I wanted to do with my life but it wasn't that easy. The reality? I asked "what's that?" and apprehensively signed up for the class. I don't remember much from that course. There was something about theories of deviance and watching "The Breakfast Club," a movie on serial killers, and a "Here's Johnny!" poster that was right behind my desk and freaked me out on a daily basis. The reality was that in the following year I would apply to communications programs, including at Emerson, with aspirations of work in broadcasting. Now I look back and wonder how I possibly could have been serious!

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